
Showing posts from 2019

Add ChatFilter and ChatLogs in BombSquad Server!

Hello There , In case you ever wanted to block some abusive words on your server  or even wanted ChatLogs to store Chats on your server for later use( or to look what people talk behind you), Here's something I have for you. Follow the steps to install the mod on your server:- Note:- You need to have Latest Server file 1.4.150 or above. Update Server Files from here Adding ChatFilter in BombSquad Server Step 1: Download - Click Here Step 2: Extract the zip file using any application, it'll look like this Step 3: You can config your ChatFilter using blacklist :- are words which would be filtered(will not be shown in chat if used) kickSpammer :- When set to "yes" will kick the player who used blacklisted words blockChats :- in case you want peace on your server turned this to "yes" and it'll not allow anyone to talk in the chat. credits :- hmmm....guess who made this?? It's...

How to correct timezone in ubuntu server?

To update the Timezone in ubuntu server Go to your terminal and check the current date and time by using command date If it's not correct Set the correct time zone using the command sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata and then select the correct ime zone check time again using command date You're Done!

Single #OSUM BombSquad Server From Today!

Hello #OSUM Players! In case you're wondering why other servers are dead and not visible in Global Server lists then here's the thing for you, From today there will be only one single server named Teams #OSUM which will be 4v4 because I will be busy for few months to handle Cloud Machines for multiple servers and everything will be back to normal after few months. and in case you want IP and Port to join directly Join Discord! Sorry for Inconvenience!

Color Changing Multiple Texts on Screen/Map |BombSquad Server Mod|

Hey, In case you have your own BombSquad Server ( Check Here if you want to create your own server) and you want to promote your:- • WhatsApp Group/Discord Server •YouTube Channel •Website •Blogs •About New Updates/Modifications of your server And more other stuffs, You can use this mod to do so. This mod will allow you to add 6 Texts Which will be shown one by one in between game(not on Score screen) and will repeat in cycle. You need to put the mod in script folder of your server files and edit texts inside file as per your need. First Type Normal (GIF is fast forwarded) - Download Here Second Type Color Changing Text(Will may seek more attention and look different than usual) (Gif is fast forwarded) - Download Here You can comment in case you're having any trouble doing this. Check this Video for Help! Having trouble in downloading file? - Watch This! Mod Requested by You can also Comment a...

How to Unlock BombSquad PRO for free?!

Hey, In case you don't want to spend money or may be you can't spend money(for some reasons) to buy BombSuqad Pro to unlock all the options and enjoy the ALL functions of the game, then you can try this MOD ! WHAT IT'LL DO? 1.Unlocking Pro Options Like:- •Custom Colors for Player Profile Enabled •Team Name/Team Color option Enabled •Use Your own soundtracks in Game •Create/Edit/Share PlayList And more other options... 2.Disabling ADs. 3.Unlocking Hard GamePlay mode. WHAT IT WILL/MIGHT "NOT" DO? 1.Actually Buying the PRO Account and giving 600 Tickets and three characters.(MIGHT) 2.Pro Bonus Point multiplication ×1.1 (Will Not) 3.Achievements Ticket ×2 (will not) You Can download the Mod Here:- - Download MOD And you can check video for more help here - Check It on YOUTUBE! Follow for future updates! Comment In case you need HELP! Thank You!

FIXED "FATAL ERROR: unable to bind to requested udp port 43210 (ipv4) BombSquad exited with code 255" BombSquad Server!

Hey, In case you're NEWBIE in handling BombSquad Servers, you might once end up seeing some errors which you would like to resolve and one of them is " FATAL ERROR ". In this case FATAL ERROR occured because a process is already open on that particular port i.e in this case it's 43210 . How you can fix it? Solution 1: Change the Port in bombsquad_server file and then execute ./bombsquad_server Solution 2: Kill all the tmux session by using pkill -f tmux and then execute ./bombsquad_server command. In case you were not using tmux session for Bombsquad Server( which you should use probably ) then you can just restart the SSH session by executing reboot command. Note:- It may take 1-2 Mins to login again in SSH session after executing "reboot" command so don't worry about that. In case you need any help you can Comment . Follow My Blogs for Updates Thank You!

How to MODify or edit default script files in BombSquad on Android?

Hey, In case you want to use only Phone to create mods or do edits/modifications in BombSquad's default script files , like for BombSquad on PC files are present in scripts folder but not easily available in case of Android. In that case here is the thing you can do to start editing and messing up with default files. Step 1 Check the version of your BombSquad. In this case it's 1.4.146 Step 2 Go to your BombSquad folder and create a folder with name sys like this:- (Note:- In case you don't know how to enable BombSquad folder you can Check it Here and follow Step 1 of the Blog ) Step 3 In sys   folder create another folder with name as version you got in Step 1  i.e 1.4.146 in this case. Step 4 Paste script files in the folder. You can get script files from your PC version or by downloading PC files/Server files from here . I would suggest to download Windows PC files. Download file named Extract th...

How to add Text on Punch in BombSquad Server?

Hey there, In case your BombSquad Server is too simple and you want to add some modifications to it. Here is one feature you can add to your BombSquad Server, it'll show cool texts when you hit other players with Punch and different texts for different Damage % Simply download the from given link and replace it with your of your server - Download You can also edit texts,color,size on punches as per your needs. Check line No. 1163  of above file and change values In case you got any problem you can ask me for help in comment section below. Also Follow  my Blogs for future updates of new posts. Thank You!

How to report players #OSUM Server BombSquad

Hey, In case you want to report annoying players on the server because they are:- Being pathetic and irritating and not allowing others to play Kicking unnecessarily with their friends Spamming scores alone to get in top in Rank List Or any other good reason for banning ( temporary or permanent ) Send me few of the details like:- • Screenshot of their chats • Their Name and ID(You can use my This Mod to store IDs and Name to report) • Their accountID( if available ) which you can find from the  Rank List   in url of Player's Rank Card(begins  with #pb- ) or just the url of the Player's Rank Card You can send me the details on my Email address i.e-  or You can Join Discord  and contact me Check This Mod , this will help in reporting players Note:- In case you want to unban yourself, you can email me about that ThankYou!

"Something" BombSquad Mod |Part 2|(Adding Chat Command to server)

Hey there, Remember going through Part 1 of the Blog before proceeding further. Now in case if you have your server without any chat commands you can use the same files i.e " " and " " with your server files without editing any default files to get "Kick" Chat Command work in your server. Step 1 Download both files   Add both files in your script folder of the server's folder Step 2 Open file from your script folder and add your ID or the IDs you want to make admins who can use kick command. For google play ID use ' \xee\x80\xa0 GoogleID' For android or PC ID use ' \xee\x80\xb0 androidID' You can add more IDs by separating them with comma , e.g:-  admin = ['\xee\x80\xa0SobyDamn','\xee\x80\xb0AndroidID', '\xee\x80\xa0GoogleID2','\xee\x80\xb0AndroidID2' ] If you followed every steps properly in  Part 1  and in this bl...

"Something" BombSquad Mod |Part 1|(Store player's Data to report/BAN)

Updated on 12th Sep 2019 Fixed "button not working" Hello there, This mod contains few functions such as:- ID revealer Store Players Name and ID "Kick" Chat Command Extra "KICK" button to kick players directly And I was not able to find any appropriate name for this mod so I named it SOMETHING . Here is how to use it Step 1 Enable mod folder in BombSquad Go to Settings>Advanced>Show Mods Folder It'll create BombSquad folder. Step 2 Download Mod files - Download - Download And add it to your BombSquad  folder. Put both files " and" in BombSquad folder using any FileManager app Step 3 Now restart BombSquad and if you done everything properly you'll see message like Something By SobyDamn on start screen. Now join any server and when you click on any player's name you'll see something like this If you click an...