Add ChatFilter and ChatLogs in BombSquad Server!
Hello There , In case you ever wanted to block some abusive words on your server or even wanted ChatLogs to store Chats on your server for later use( or to look what people talk behind you), Here's something I have for you. Follow the steps to install the mod on your server:- Note:- You need to have Latest Server file 1.4.150 or above. Update Server Files from here Adding ChatFilter in BombSquad Server Step 1: Download - Click Here Step 2: Extract the zip file using any application, it'll look like this Step 3: You can config your ChatFilter using blacklist :- are words which would be filtered(will not be shown in chat if used) kickSpammer :- When set to "yes" will kick the player who used blacklisted words blockChats :- in case you want peace on your server turned this to "yes" and it'll not allow anyone to talk in the chat. credits :- hmmm....guess who made this?? It's...